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Official Thread Reporting a scammer

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Official threads created by Envy Staff
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Global Moderator
21 March 2020
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Help keep Envy safe​

Keeping our website safe from scammers is vital. Fraudulent buyers or sellers are harmful to the community and there is no place for them here.

To report, please read below
  • Create a thread in Report a scammer
  • Include the buyer/seller username
  • Include all evidence you have
Please ensure any sensitive information you provide is censored. This is a public forum visible to everyone. If we find any sensitive information in posts we will make every effort to remove the content. If we have removed content containing sensitive information we will inform you by email or direct message.

Every report is taken seriously and will approach them impartially. We cannot reimburse your losses that is out of our control, but if the buyer/seller has been found to have scammed they will be indefinitely suspended.

We aim to review all reports within 48 hours.
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