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Buying WTB legit top up servive for Elemental Titans

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I plan on spending like 600 usd monthly on packs and deals on this new mobile game. I will be loyal with the person offering this service until the game shuts down (can last for years) Here are my req for the person

1. The person need to make sure said person can offer this service. That is selling top ups for the mobile game called Elemental Titans
2. Must be a legit topup service. No chargebacks and stolen CC. There should be 0 chance of any ban whatsoever by using this service
3. The person that are offering this service have a lot of positive feedback on Epicnpc and have sold top ups for mobile games for a long time
4. Since i will be loyal to that person, i am expecting even better deals than like 20 procent off normal orders since i will end up using your service a lot.
I am using Paypal FF but i heard Wise is cheaper. Will start with Paypal since i am familar with that.
Whisper me or post in this thread if you can pass all those req

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