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Looking For We are looking for help with implementation of payment processor.

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Title basically, website is Captain-Carry.com. We are looking for someone to help us with implementation, approval and start accepting payments from payment processing gateway similar to Stripe and Paypal (already using those looking for third stable one).

Budged is around 200-400$ depending on which processor we get on board with. Payment will be done after processor is implemented, our project aproved and we start accepting payments via that gateway.

There are 100+ payment gateways, Your job will be to find us the best suited for our website and service category so we dont waste time applying to everyone and filling up forms. Going through the verification process is tedious task and cane take up to an hour, so your job would be to contact payment gateways, present our project and get answer positive or negative weather we can apply andget approved or not.

Will get additional details with our website service activities and short presentation for you to basically just copy paste to merchant gateways.

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