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Official Thread Username Color

Official threads created by Envy Staff
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How to change your username color​

Members who have purchased this extra through the Account Upgrades page will be able to have access to change their username colour as much as they want periodically, and stand out from others. Once you've bought the upgrade, visit your Account Details page

Then, simply choose the color of your choosing, and modify it whenever you want. This is a paid extra, and members who do not buy this perk will not be able to chair their username color.



Members who buy this perk will automatically receive a permanent badge. This badge is awarded automatically after purchase. If it doesn't appear straight away, please don't panic. If it's not showing on your profile within two hours, please contact us.

Paid member diamond badge​


If you have any questions before or after sales, please email billing@envy.chat
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Automatic Bump Upgrades

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