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Selling Super Whaler Raid Account (SHARK)

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This is a listing for sale by a member on the Envy Marketplace


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Hi folks!
I have finally decided to sell my Super Whale RAID Shadow Legend Account. I have been off the game for sometime now but I hope you could pick up from where I stopped.

This is an end game raid shadow legends account with 7.9pp , 102 legendary - not that some legendary has been empowered. You can join any clan easily with this account. I don’t boost PP with Resistance gear, vault champions, or weak gears. There are tons of quad gears on this account. Pit and gem 💎 mine are fully upgraded. There are 261 6’s champions in this account.

You are push platinum every week if you are willing to get the arena tokens. The same goes for hard DT. I just don’t have time to keep it up due to personal things that need to be addressed.

if you are interested, please used the middleman channel I have identified here for the trade. Don’t ask of my number or discord account. All transactions must be done in this platform for customers protection reasons.

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