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Selling Full Verified 'Preferred' Freelancer.com Account For Sale

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This is a listing for sale by a member on the Envy Marketplace


New member
Envy Credits
Referral Cash
Feedback: 0 / 0 / 0
I have a full verified preferred freelancer badges enabled account. I don’t want to do freelancing more. So, I want to sale it.
Account have 64 reviews
4.9★ avarage reviews
Total Earning: 10,000$+
Job Completation Rate: 90%
On budget: 95%
On time:95
Repeate Hire Rate: 7%
Preferred freelancer gold badge enabled. So, you can get high price project easily. Only 1% Elite freelancer can achieve this badge. So, this badge will help you a lot. And some project will post on freelancer.com called requiter project, only preferred freelancer can bid on those project. So, this is really a special account. It will be a really good deal for him/her whoever will buy this account. Account price is 4500$

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