Envy Marketplace

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  • All Xbox Accounts listed on Gamerscore.net by 2pxuk are sold securely on the PlayerAuctions.com website. No mods are used and guaranteed instant delivery with outstanding feedback and buyer protection.

Official Thread Envy IRC Chat Network

Official threads created by Envy Staff

information on envy irc​

While Envy is primarily focusing on social groups and website chat communications, we will continue to keep the IRC Network up and running. We have no future plans to discontinue IRC, and will be used only to provide a 24-7 trivia service. Our IRC chat is not always moderated, but actively logged 24-7 encase we receive any reports where action needs to be taken. All clients connecting on our website should adhere to our rules found athttps://www.envy.chat/help/terms/

IRC Staff​

  • CurlyTops - Senior Envy Staff (Network Administrator)
  • Dan - Senior Envy Staff (Network Administrator)
If you have any spare time and would like to assist the day to day moderation on our IRC network, please register, and send me a private conversation on here.
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