Envy Marketplace

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Selling Cheap Cold War Modded lobbies

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This is a listing for sale by a member on the Envy Marketplace


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Modern Warfare:
recovery based
Everything will be saved to a blueprint you must not delete these blueprints Guns for camo/tracer must be past Lvl 8 in MW
Any tracer pack gun $10 Camo - per category(Damascus, plat, etc.) (ar,smg,etc) 15$ ex. damascus for ar's and smg's $30
Exclusive dev camos(per category ar, smg, etc ) 15$
Any 2 operator(warzone)- $10 For Mp Extra $25
Player card/emblem $10 or $15 for dev exclusive emblem/playercard
Any Charm (addon) $5

Cold War:
Xp Lobbies $20 (Max Lvl and Weapon Lvl)
Dark Aether $80

Ways to pay: cashapp, venmo, zelle, Paypal through our website, visa gift cards through the website also.

We have tons of people who vouch and prove were legit and not scammers

Our support is ran through our discord

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