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This is a listing for sale by a member on the Envy Marketplace


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Envy Credits
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-What things my bot can do-
Player Detection: Detects a stranger/buddies/guildies in your map.
Elite Boss Detection: Detects when Elite Boss spawns & stops your bot.
Lie Detector Detection: Detects when LD spawns & stops your bot. ( it doesn't work on all server so dm me for more info)
Mob Despawn Detection: Detects when GM despawns mob in ur map & stops your bot.
Map detection: Detects when GM warp u into another map & stops your bot.
Rune slover: Auto solves rune. Except spinny rune( but my bot doesnt trigger this)
Telegram remote: Takes screeenshot, chat, records video, start/stop macro from Telegram
Revive, use safety charm, teleport to map: Auto revive, save ur current map, use charm and back to saved map, Fully afk with the bot
Connects your telegram to your Maplestory window in order to send messages as alerts when things happens on your screen.
Ensures that your computer has different alerts to make sure you know when to check your screen.

Macro: My macro has one big difference, it can correct itself when wrong move. you will never have problems like jumping gets stopped halfway, staying on the ground, face jumping into the wall, fall down from platform,...
Bot can move character to the right coordinates provided
U can customize ur own rotation, fit with ur animation skill
Works correctly with all skills with cd
And my macro can also use portal, climb rope, use quick teleport spot,...




Discord: noticeme8063

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Automatic Bump Upgrades

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